Age groups
5-7yrs / 8-11yrs / 12-14yrs
We are closed until further notice
Venue: City Cricket Academy, 8 Commercial Square, Leicester, LE2 7SR
Bookings: Email us on to book
*Numbers are limited to keep quality of cricket and safety measures.
Equipment & Dress code: CCA branded T-shirt or White cricket top with cricket white trousers or tracksuit bottoms. Please bring a healthy packed lunch and plenty to drink. We provide equipment which is available to borrow (Due to Covid-19 we have limited kit borrowing is restricted) we recommend to bring your own equipment.
During our camps training includes: Hand eye coordination games (5-7yrs) , fielding drills, skill sessions, batting and bowling in nets, games and much more. Cricketers of all experiences are welcome including beginners. Above all, enjoyment and development.
Our programme is conducted and supervised by English Cricket Board qualified coaches. All staff at City Cricket Academy are D.B.S checked.
5-7yrs / 8-11yrs / 12-14yrs